Amateur Radio related items.
For immediate release – July 6, 2024 On July 5, 2024, Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED) posted the following announcement on...
ByVA3DBJJuly 6, 2024July 1, 2024 Effective 12:00pm ET / 16:00 UTC we will be returning Logbook of The World® (LoTW®) to service. As work progressed...
ByVA3DBJJuly 1, 2024Each year on July 1, the anniversary of Canada’s Confederation, Radio Amateurs of Canada sponsors the RAC Canada Day Contest and Amateurs all...
ByVA3DBJJune 26, 2024For immediate release: Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), the national association for Amateur Radio in Canada, is pleased to present its second CANWARN Weather...
ByVA3DBJJune 18, 2024Here’s the latest status of the ARISS #HamRadio gear on the International Space Station. Plan ahead for radio outages the next three Fridays...
ByVA3DBJJune 9, 202410/27/2023 ARRL – The National Association for Amateur Radio® welcomes news of a scheduled vote by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to consider removing symbol...
ByVA3DBJOctober 29, 202308/12/2023 – ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio® is closely following updates from the Hawaii Amateur Radio Emergency Service®, Hawaii ARES®, as amateur...
ByVA3DBJAugust 12, 202308/12/2023 – The International AmateurRadio Union (IARU) has coordinated two European digipeating satellites that are scheduled to launch in fall 2023. At...
ByVA3DBJAugust 12, 202308/02/2023 ARRL The National Association for Amateur Radio®, as part of its mission to protect Amateur Radio, has filed comments against a proposal that would introduce...
ByVA3DBJAugust 6, 2023The next Youth on the Air Camp for the Americas is being held from July 16-21, 2023 at Carleton University in Ottawa. A...
ByVA3DBJJuly 9, 2023