as of 07/28/2021
Columbus Module radios:
- IORS (Kenwood D710GA) – STATUS – Configured. Supporting packet operation (145.825 MHz up & down). Next mode change is to cross band repeater and targeting late August.
- Radio will be powered off July 28 about 17:30 UTC for Progress /MLM arrival. Scheduled to be powered on TBD due to MLM issues impacting ISS activities.
- Supporting USOS scheduled voice contacts, packet and voice repeater ops.
Service Module radios:
- Kenwood D710E – STATUS – Radio usually off.
- Radio will be powered off July 28 about 17:30 UTC for Progress /MLM arrival.
- MAI SSTV experiment sessions planned for Aug 6 and 7. Setup about 10:50 UTC on August 6 and stop around 19:10 UTC. The activation on August 7 should start about 09:50 GMT and stop around 15:55 UTC. .
- Supporting ROS scheduled voice contacts and SSTV.