Ontario has granted permanent two-way radio exemption for Amateurs.
For immediate release:
Distracted driving regulations continue to be an area of interest for many Canadian Radio Amateurs. These regulations are made and enforced by provincial governments and can vary considerably from province to province and over time.
In Ontario, RAC Directors Allan Boyd, VE3AJB (Ontario North/East) and Phil McBride, VA3QR (Ontario South) have been working hard on this issue.
We are pleased to announce that effective February 14, 2020, the Ontario Ministry of Transportation has “made permanent the exemption under Ontario Regulation 366/09 (Display Screens and Hand-Held Devices) of the Highway Traffic Act for hand-held two-way radios for commercial drivers and Amateur Radio operators.”
The official publication of the amendment to the regulations is available online at:
The amendment came into force on February 14, 2020.
The key item mentioned in the amendment is as follows:
“5. Subsection 13(2) of the Regulation is revoked.”
This indicates that the former subsection 13(2), which was the previous time limit which was set on the exemption for the handheld use of two-way radios has been removed.
Amendment: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/r20018
Regulation: https://www.ontario.ca/laws/regulation/090366
Amendement : https://www.ontario.ca/fr/lois/reglement/r20018
Règlement : https://www.ontario.ca/fr/lois/reglement/090366