The VE3OSH/VE3NAA site, received some damage during the thunderstorm of May 21, 2022. The high winds damaged the antenna and it is unknown how long the site will be off the air.

Message from the club:
Well, wasn’t that one heck of a weekend?! In case you are wondering why you are not hearing anything from VE3OSH or VE3NAA, seeing any packets coming from the iGate, or can’t make a connection to our AllStar node then let me explain that we have run into a minor technical issue at our repeater site. When the storm blew through on Saturday afternoon, with a vengeance that I have not witnessed in this area during my lifetime, it was not too kind to some of our equipment.
If you look closely at the picture I think that you might be able to figure out what the problem is. I will give you a hint – it is not supposed to be a folded dipole antenna!
The repeater committee met this evening via Zoom to discuss the damage, assess the situation, and start the process to rectify the problem. We will keep you updated as things progress but there are just too many unknowns at this time to make any comments. Please be patient.
In the meantime, we invite club members to switch their radios to 146.52 simplex to use for local communications. Of course, there are other repeaters that you may be able to utilize but we thought this may be good for local members to use to try to contact each other. We will also use 146.52 Tuesday evening for our weekly Rag Chew at 7pm. If you come on after 7pm please do not key up and announce yourself as you may be inadvertently walking over someone that you cannot hear talking. We will give everyone ample opportunity to announce their arrival and have a chat like we normally do.
Keep checking back as we update this information.
73 de VE3LKS