Well after some thought, I shutdown my Facebook page. There were a few reasons why I did, but the main reason was the invasion of privacy. It wasn’t the increased BS, the fake news and the political crap, it ended up being that Facebook was monitoring my private text messages with my family and friends.

When I first joined, the conditions you had to agree too to install the app was very basic, kind’a, but it didn’t monitor your private messages. But along the way, they added the ability to monitor private messages, but did not notify you as such. Only if you deleted the app and reinstalled, or re-read the conditions, would you have known.
Either way, I felt, that not having the option to turn off specific access to a service or app on my phone, was a little too much, after all these years.
Taking a few weeks and actually paid attention to what I was reading and seeing what interaction I was having with my family and friends, I decided that it was time.
I had investigated other social platforms that allowed me to carry on my photography, communications and computing hobbies and found a couple of new ones that focused on security and minimal amount of personal information that is handed over.
Pluspora, a side group, or pod, of diaspora* software. A group that focus’s on 3 main ideas. Decentralised servers, the freedom to post what you want and how much of you you want to release and privacy. You own your data.
Another platform that has a mantra of “No Ads. No Spyware. No BS.” is MeWe. MeWe has the Google+ feel to it, and that is why a lot of people have been migrating to it, since the Google+ shutdown was announced.
Both platforms are working hard on getting the former Google Plusers and attracting Facebook users to convert over. I am now using Pluspora and Twitter as my main platforms, with MeWe and Tumblr as my home away from home sites. You can follow me at: